Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Naruto is one of my favourite anime because of the wonderful story. As we known, Japanese anime have a lot of styles and Naruto is the one describe the friendship and dream. The main character named Naruto and his friends fight for their dreams. All the story is talking about looking for the peace, many people want to maintenance the peace by the arms, but the real peace is totally different from what they thought.

Naruto is drawn by the famous cartoonist Kishimodo Masashi in Japan. Always the young people watch it after school and talk together about the details of Naruto after class. They are not just talk about the story of Naruto, but also the real life. The story is like the miniature of the life. They talk about the dream, the friendship that they learn from Naruto. Always the song in the anime is awesome. I like it so much even though i can't understand Japanese.

Naruto shows lots of group works between partners and how the work together, if you watch it, you may learn a lot about dealing the case between your task and friends.

If you are intersted in Naruto, just go for watching it!

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